Famille des Asphodelaceae
Genre: Aloe Linné 1753
Nom scientifique: Aloe broomii
Schönland, 1907
Distribution: Afrique du Sud.
Etymologie: origine incertaine, de l'Arabe "alloch" = amère ou "alloeh", du Grec "aloe" ou de l'Hébreu "ahalim ou allal" = amère;
broomii, en l'honneur du Dr Robert Broom (1866-1951), médecin et paléontologiste Ecossais ayant émigré en Afrique du Sud en 1896.
Température de rusticité: - 5° C si tenu au sec.
Exposition: plein soleil.
Culture: nécessite un substrat drainant. Arroser de Mars à Octobre puis diminuer les arrosages en hiver (une fois par mois).
(Provenance: Jardinerey, 83250 La Londe)
Données supplémentaires
1) Aloe broomii Schönland
Central Karoo from Prieska to Murraysburg; from Britstown eastwards through central Free State in South Africa to southern Lesoto. The solitary plants, short-stemmed or procumbent to 1 m, prefer north-facing rocky slopes, in deep grass. The plant may form a huge rosette up to 1 m in diameter of yellowish-green, faintly lineate leaves with sharply spinescent margins. From August onwards, these plants develop the striking, simple, candle-like inflorescence in which the buds and pale lemon flowers are covered by the whitish 30 mm long bracts. The species was first collected in 1905 by Robert Broom, the anthropologist. The densely leaved rosettes are reminiscent of A. polyphylla in Lesoto. Var. tarkaensis occurs south of Tarkastad in the Eastern Cape. It is more robust, with broader, brownish or reddish leaves, and the buds and flowers are visible, the bracts being much shorter, and flowering in February. Lavranos has suggested a relationship between A. broomii and the yellow-flowered A. chlorantha of the southwestern Karoo.
Référence: Doreen Court, dans "Succulent Flora of Southern Africa", Revised Edition, Struik Nature Edition, p 261, 2010.
2) Aloe broomii
Schönland, Rec. Albany Mus. 2: 137 (1907)
Plant with an ercet stem, short or sometimes up to 100 cm tall in old plants, covered in dried leaves, solitary or rarely branching from the base to form clumps of 2-3 plants. Leaves densely rosulate, ercet and incurved, ovate-lanceolate with a pungent spine at the tip, 30 x 10 cm, yellowish-green, obscurely lineate; margins reddish-brown horny, with pungent reddish-brown teeth 1-2 mm long, 10-15 mm apart. Inflorescence 100-150 cm high, simple or rarely with 1 branch. Peduncle with many sterile, ovate bracts to 40-20 mm below the raceme. Raceme cylindrical, spike-like, to 100 x 6-8 cm, very densely flowered. Floral bracts obovate, 30 x 15 mm, fleshy, whitish-with brownish tips, completely covering the flowers. Pedicels 1-2 mm long. Perianth pale yellow, 20-25 mm long, elliptic, widening above the ovary then narrowing towards the mouth; outer tepals free to the base. Stamens and style exserted 12-15 mm, the stamens with reddish-orange filaments.
South Africa Eastern Cape Province, Pampoenpoort, Broom s.n. (GRA). Widespread in Free State and Eastern Cape, into Western Cape, Northern Cape and Lesotho, on rochy ground amongst grass and bushes, at 1,000-2,000 m in altitude.
Référence: S. Carter, J.J. Lavranos, L.E. Newton, C.C Walker, dans "Aloes, The Definitive Guide", Kew Publishing Edition, p 263, 2011.